Saturday, May 9, 2009

After a long break in the blogging world, I have decided to join on a whim once again. Who knows if it will be beneficial or if I will stick with it, but I have vowed it to be more honest, more confessional, and less concerned with readership than my blogs past.

I feel as if I am resurfacing from a deep dark five month hole. I have been crazily busy at work which is for the most part finished. I feel like I have been living under a big dark cloud and now it has nearly lifted enough for me to refocus on myself and the goals I want to achieve in life.

In particular, I would like to lose weight. I am by no mores hugely overweight and am a long way from my heaviest, but I can't help but wish to be carrying less weight. I think about how much, say, 15kgs, actually weighs and I feel bad for my body. Despite my vegetarianism, my love of all things healthy and green and natural, I still carry unnecessary weight. I feel as if I am ready to shed the remaining weight and baggage of that weight in the remainder of the year.

I know I need to move, to walk and I will start again tomorrow. I suffer from terrible stress and bouts of feeling blue. Exercise is so important for lifting that sadness. As is masses of reading, fruit and vegetables, hot tea, new movies, long sleeps and laughing with my fiance.

Like that bookmark I once loved said, 'Hold tightly to that which you cherish.'

In other news, I am reading the new Australian dark comedy 'The Bookshop on Jacaranda Street' by Marlish Glorie. Not so comic yet, but certainly quite engrossing.

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